First US EV Fast Charger Gets Installed in… Vacaville!
Lake Erie Non Profit LEEDCo Wins GE Turbines
ExxonMobil Shareholders Demand Natural Gas Fracking Risk Assessment
House/Senate Jump for Electric Vehicle Legislation in Climate Bill
Inventor Uses Biomimicry to Create Dew
First US State to Codify Law for Carbon Sequestration is Wyoming
Peak Day Pricing Begins for Large Commercial PG&E Customers
Republicans Having Second Thoughts About Dirty Energy
More Wind Farms Mean Cheaper Energy
Gamesa and Cannon Build One of The Largest Wind Farms In North America
Climate Change to Rob Your Grandchildren of Nutrients in Pies, Bread, Pizza or Spaghetti
53 Megawatt Ice Energy Storage Project Begins In Glendale, California
DOE Finalizes Environmental Review for Abengoa Solana Project in Arizona
Massive Offshore Waves Sink Australia’s Oceanlinx Wavepower Pilot
We’re No. 11! USA! USA! USA!
Tesla and Toyota to Collaborate on Building the Affordable Electric Car
The Key Votes We Need to Pass the Climate Bill
Border Dispute between Arizona and California Could Shut Down Power to LA
Top Utilities Added 66% More Solar in 2009
Why AB32 Goes After the Cement Industry
Oklahoma Sets a Renewable Energy Standard!
Coal Plant Troubles Free Up Proposed Transmission for South Dakota Wind
French Policy Expert to Advise California on Feed-in Tariff Design
1 in 5 to Take Foot off Gas After Gulf Gusher
Clever Photosynthetic Breathing Building “Skin” to Cut Need for Energy
Humans Won’t Survive on Half of Earth by 2300
Why California Has Nearly Quadrupled Solar Installations Since Last Year
California’s Early Actors on Clean Energy to Benefit Under Today’s Unveiled Fed Climate Bill
Bleeding Gulf Appears Unquenchable in Leaked Video
What Really Matters in Climate Policy
Unlikely California Electricity Hog Could Green the Grid in November
Mapping the Scale of the Oil Gushing From the Gulf Coast Ocean FloorListening to Rush Raises Your Utility Bills
Solé Power Tile to be CEC-Approved For California Roofs
Reagan’s Shultz Protecting California’s Clean Energy Law From Texas Oil Companies
Is BP’s Spill Like The ‘69 Santa Barbara Spill?