We as individuals will continue to create great solutions, from the sublime to the simply ridiculous like this picnic table bicycle invention
or this kiddie EV.

Here is a brilliant and laboriously complex recreation of life's own preferred method of transportation: walking
Here is homegrown pedalpower even I would feel safe riding. With a 3 year old uninsured $30,000 broken ankle, I am wary of balancing tricks.
This is a great design for third world water transportation
Clearly people are willing to try anything to cut gas use...
Reminds me: somebody wanted to see an Electric ATV EV: this company showed these well made ones at the Anaheim EV Show:
The inventor of this solar powered EV pulled by George Bush makes a pretty good case for how much better robot legs work than wheels.

But for all of us unwilling to be pried from our more traditional vehicles,

this series is for you.
This is Part IV of a series:
Cars After The Age Of Oil - EVs Go Back To The Rickshaw
Cars After The Age Of Oil - EVs Coming To The US By 2010
Cars After The Age Of Oil - EVs Now If You Have The Time Or Money
Cars After The Age Of Oil - EVs In A Mad Max World
And to all the terrific Democratic policy wonks on the California legislature who demanded with the Zero Emissions Vehicles Mandate that auto companies produce at least some (nor as many as we would like) cars with zero emissions - which got all the car manufacturers jumping through this hoop into the future, our planet says thank you.