While a Ford converted to an electric truck can get the same speeds as the gasoline original; the range is shorter. Depending on which battery is chosen; you'd get a 50 to 125 mile range between recharging.
These electric Fords are FastCharge capable in under 3 hours using 220 volt, and of course can be recharged each night like a cell phone in household 120 volt plugs.
But range is not much of an issue in commercial use where a truck typically can recharge at the work site, as well as at night.
Fuel cost is a big issue, though. For the average commercial truck driver the difference between the high cost of gas and the low cost of electricity can make for enormous savings that more than justify the cost of the conversions.
The conversion expense has a pay back time of about 4 years for a truck in typical commercial use. Not a bad investment.
I spoke with Jay Giraud, the owner of Envia yesterday. He told me that most of his work has come from fleet owners who contact him to have their current fleet converted to EVs or PHEVs, but he also converts even brand new Fords.
Giraud's company shares a large building with fellow EV enthusiast David Gilroy's business bmcmotorworks where finishing touches are being made to a new Rapid Electric Vehicles showroom targeted for opening in October.
Envia also partners with local Ford dealer Metro Ford to provide charging stations and for parts and service on the Fords he has converted to electric. They will continue to honor the Ford warranty on Envia's conversions. Giraud is currently working on creating a solar partnership to provide the power for the charging stations.
Fleet owners are finding a solution to the high cost of running gasoline vehicles.
Its bad news for Ford when their best customers need to get their great commercial trucks redesigned to meet their needs, but the customer is always right.
As Wired puts it, it's been a really Ford Tough year for Ford.
For Matternetwork